Dear Trader,尊敬的交易者,

The US election is set to begin tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th November. This is the most important market event since Brexit and the potential impact on markets is significant.


The consensus普遍輿論

A Clinton win means certainty and generally a risk on attitude in markets, equities higher, USD stronger and a rate rise in December, i.e. the status quo continues..

如果希拉裏.克林頓贏得大選將意味着市場存在一定確定性和一般風險,股市走高,美元走強,12月美國可能加息,即維持現狀。A Trump win will mean uncertainty and a risk off attitude in markets, higher volatility, equities lower, USD weaker anda temporary hold on future rate rises in the US.


Voting and results schedule (platform time GMT 2)

投票和結果公布時間安排(平台時間 GMT 2)

Tuesday 8th November 

11月8日 星期二07:00 – 

Voting begins 07:00 – 投票开始

13:00 – The majority of polls are open across the US

 13:00 – 美國大部分投票結果公布

23:00 – Results from exit polls are released and early predictions made 

23:00 – 選後民意調查結果公布,初步預測大選結果

Wednesday 9th November 11月9日 星期三

00:00 – Results coming in state by state 

00:00 – 公布各州投票結果

03:00 – Suspense building..! 03:00 – 懸念繼續!

 06:00 – This is the likely earliest time for a winner to be announced 06:00 – 宣布美國新任總統 

How to prepare如何應對市場風險?

Clients are advised to use extreme caution for the duration of the US election. The election has the potential for high volatility as the market prices in the results throughout the day.


Increase capitalisation – Top up your funds in case margins are increased on products that you are trading and to prepare for the higher volatility.


Decrease exposure – Periods of heightened volatility demand lower exposure. Lower exposure will allow positions to move more out of the money without exceeding your defined risk limits. Also consider further limiting exposure to or ceasing trading on products that will be most affected by the election.


Use stop losses and wider stops – Using stops in the markets has never been more crucial. Unexpected moves are likely during the election, so make sure to protect positions with fixed stop losses.


Hedged accounts – Traders who have hedged positions (long and short the same product) should be wary that wide spreads may result in a margin call and or stop out




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